Survive long bike road trips

If you are considering purchasing an electric bike to save money, you have the right idea! The higher price tag is justified by the amount of money one person can save by using their e-bike for regular use in daily life. Not only are e-bikes fun and healthy, they can help ease the dent in your pocket. Keep reading to see our top reasons why electric bikes save money!
Electric bikes are the most energy-efficient form of transportation. Gone are the high gas costs! Since the e-bike runs on electric energy, you won’t be spending money filling up your car’s tank every other day. Most people don’t notice any difference in their electric bill, but they do notice their gas budget decreasing! With increasing prices at the station, the savings will pile on with your electric bike.
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The Waterfront Bike Path
It’d be poor form if an electric bike shop wrote a blog about their hometown’s tourist attractions without leading off with the waterfront bike path. But there’s plenty of reasons to check out Portland’s waterfront whether you want to rent an eBike from us or not.
For one, it’s free, which is always a good thing. Going on the bike path on the west side of the river will take you by Tom McCall Waterfront Park. If you aren’t in much of a rush, there are plenty of opportunities to meander off the path. Plus there’s a pedestrian-only path, so you don’t have to worry about a tour of eBikers (or regular cyclists, to be fair) colliding with you and yours!
International Rose Test Garden
The International Rose Test Garden is also free, but that’s not even the best part about this Portland attraction. Naturally, it all depends on what time of year you visit Portland, but if you come to our beautiful city while the roses are in bloom, it’s an absolutely wonderful, sensuous experience you won’t want to miss out on.
However, we’d recommend avoiding peak hours if you are interested in maintaining a proper ratio of flowers to humans. Keep in mind that you can visit Peninsula Park if you are interested in getting a similar experience without so many other people in your vicinity.